Weather man predicting rain again
Boys we gotta do what we can
Gotta keep those manhole tops from blowing
Prevent those sewers from overflowing
If you lose a cup of sewage today
It’s the same as a million gallon a day.
Well boys here we go again
We gotta deal with this rain
Those big pumps are humming
The wet weather flow is coming
Gallons coming in by the millions
Boy what a way to make a living
Well the creek is out of its banks
And even without the thanks
Gotta keep the town from flooding
So those people can keep on flushing.
Close the Levee floodgates
Start the pumps before it’s too late
Hey those CSO are filling up fast
And look at that new weather forcast
We just got them cleaned and drained
Well there’s no need to complain
They’re calling for two more inches tonight
Are you sure those high level alarms are right
There goes another station down
The biggest pump station in town
Runs like a top during dry weather
But fails every time in wet weather
Let’s get those pumps a pumping
Before those manholes start to jumping
Hey those EQs are filling up fast
And look at that new weather forcast
Don’t like but another foot
Having those EQ basins full
You know the operator’s SOPs
Ramp those pumps to full speed
Start those clarifiers sucking
Stop those solids from puking.
Don’t let me hear you whine
Its our reputation on the line
Hold those solids in the plant
Don’t let me hear the word Can’t
You know the operator creed
And you know what we need
You know we’re the last defense
So don’t it make sense
Don’t be stingy with disinfection
We gotta stop those violations
We, the members of the Professional Wastewater Operations Division, are dedicated to the task of conserving a healthy environment for terrestrial and aquatic life.
We, are obligated by duty, conscience and personal power to meet at a minimum permit limits as set forth by this state, province, or country.
We, as operations professionals, will fulfill our responsibility to protect the interest and investment in the facility by maintaining safe,attractive,economical, and efficient wastewater treatment facilities to the best of our ability.
We, will endeavor to increase our knowledge and skills in modern technology in the science of water pollution control to advance to the point of returning water back to its natural state upon which all forms of life depend.
Created 1986 By
Rayburn Casey Hall
Moccasin Bend Waste Water Treatment Plant
Chattanooga, TN.
KY-TN PWOD Representative
Adopted by the WEF 1992
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